
Activity Packs for Pubs

A better experience for everyone

We’ve noticed a real shift in the focus of Australian pubs. They’re becoming more family friendly and are no longer just the domain of adults. Pop in for a Sunday lunch and you’ll find plenty of excited children!

Our kids’ activity packs for pubs and themed cups are the perfect solution for engaging and entertaining little ones at your venue, allowing all your customers to sit back and relax.

Children love our exciting range of engaging puzzles and activities and you’ll find the rest of your customers do too! By actively engaging your littlest customers, you are creating a positive, relaxing environment for all your patrons. Take it from us, you’ll see them come back—time and again.

Some bright ideas for your business!

  • Bundle with kids’ meals. Attract families for meals over the weekend and give them another great reason to choose yours over others. It’s simple, cost effective and proven to work.
  • Free display merchandise and point of sale. Promote your activity packs inside your venue. Let customers know you’re a family-friendly establishment with personalised point of sale material.
  • Give a gift. Our packs are the perfect value-added gift for your customers with children. It’s a simple, cost effective way to show your customers how important they are to your business.
  • Grow your bottom line. Some of our clients choose to charge a nominal fee for our activity packs. It’s a great way to provide an extra service, while generating additional revenue for your business at the same time.